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what is cara's shops

Hello y'all!! I am so excited to welcome y'all to Cara's Shops Blog, my name is Cara! I'm an eighteen-year-old fresh out of high school and ready to finally start blogging (if y'all already know me you know I've been wanting to do this for over TWO years now *happy tears*)!! Now that I have finally gotten the courage, I am so ready to give y'all the best tips on style, beauty, travel, and college!


Ever since I got my first job, the cutest little boutique in my hometown called Poppie's Boutique (lol I can still not even believe that I work there!!), I have grown to love the small business culture! I always knew I wanted something of my own: a business, a wedding venue, a boutique, a BLOG, anything I could call mine! Well, fast forward almost three years in the business...I have literally grown up with the company, I started at 15, and my love has just grown more and more! I have learned so many social media strategies as well as experience with the website and online orders. I never knew I could love it more that before I started! 


With this, I knew I finally had to just go for it, it had been over two years and I just kept learning more and more working at this quaint little shop! I can remember the first time the idea popped in my head...the sweetest lady came in the shop in the summer (and when I tell you she was cute, y'all, I mean she had the blogger braids, the espadrilles before they were cool, and the pink lily shorts I had been dying to get all summer!). I mean, she was my inspiration, y'all. Looking back, it's ironic that I thought she was a blogger at the time, because she wasn't, but she inspired me to be one one day. Anyways, she kept coming in and soon became one of our regulars and friends! Soon, we were following each other on instagram and a year passed.


Crazily enough, one day she announces something big was happening; I knew what she was up to as soon as I saw the post...the girl is finally doing the dang thing! And, little did you know, the girl who inspired me to be a blogger from beginning (when she wasn't one lol), BECAME one!! God works in crazy ways, y'all! So, now, here I am telling you my life life story lol. But the point is, just as that sweet girl had gotten the nerve to finally do it, I finally have too! Thanks to God, Grandaddy, my family and friends, Poppie's and the awesome girls on our team, that random girl in the shop, and -well- you guys!


After all that rambling, I present to you Cara's Shops, the blog where I spend all my money and tell y'all to shop those items, too lol! My favorite hobby is shopping if you didn't know so my niche is very fitting lol! We'll talk my favorite boutiques, target and amazon finds, beauty look, college tips, and all other things we can shop together! Can't wait to do this dang thang together, girls!!



Cara :)




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Thank you so much!! xo


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